Monday, May 28, 2007

work and commity progress

My job coache at work is on holliday. She is the Personal guide (persoonlijk begeleider) of 4 children. During her absence I take over her duties consurning 3 of the children. So at this moment im te personal guid of 3 childeren. I really like the responsebility that I have. I make disicions and make sure that the children are oke. I handel all their paperwork and inform the childrens parants oubout their kids.
I dont have to be a personal guide just yet it is something I actualy have to learn in the second year off my school. So for me it feels like I'm doing more than oké. I hope that I gat be a personal guide more offten.

foto from

Mattijhs came back from his conference in seoul. He bought me al kinds off presents. A bag , korean agenda, a book about learning korean and much more. Really sweet of him. He is allready working verry hard. He had some great offers from a profesor in colorado and he thinks he has a solution for a problem that excisted for 10 years (got the idea in the airplane). So life is as usual.

I'm two day's off but for me it is time to do my homework. I have worked 4 morning shifts in a row and I can hardly make any homework after I had a morning shift.

O I forgot to mention. On wensday I had my first meeting with the activity commision. It went really wel. I had lot's of imput in the meeting. And the next day I had a meeting with one of the commision members of stuvee (oure student commity) He said that he had some information for me about a organisation for students that want to set up a exchange project with european students and get funding for the project. The commity members thought directly about me because I had send in an idea about exchanging knowlege between foreign students. I was so honnerd that they came to me and it seems like a really good plan to set something up. The organisation has 12 million euros to spend on projects. Hopefully I can do something with this in the near future. I'm now thinking about ways to organize a project. I find it reaaly cool to get fnding for a project that I can set up and organize.
You will here more about it.....

greetings josé

  • Ik ben tidens de afwezighied van mijn werkbegeleider de persoonlijk begeleider van drie kinderen op de schakel. Ik vindt dit heel erg leuk om te doen. Het persoonlijk begeleiderscahp hoef ik eigelijk nog niet te doen dit is iets wat in het tweede jaar pas zou moeten, maar ik vindt het zo leuk dat ik hoop dat ik het na de terugkomst van mijn werkbegeleidster meer mag doen.
  • Matthijs is terug van zijn conferentie in seoul Ik heb allerlij kadootjes gekregen.
  • Ik heb woensdag mijn eerste stuvve activiteiten commisie vergadering gehad. Ik had veel in te brengen
  • Donderdag had ik een gesprek met een commisie lid van stuvee. (de studie vereniging) Hij had info over een organisatie die 12 miljoen euro te besteden heeft voor projecten die door studenten worden georganiseerd die als doel hebben het uitwisselen van kennis met mensen in europa. Ze hadden meteen aan mij gedacht omdat ik al ee nidee daar over had ingestuurd bij de commisie. Het lijkt me heel erg leu kom hier iet mee te gaan doen. Ik ben nu besig met bedenken wa tik zou kunenn doen. Het zal een groot project worden dat wel tot een jaar mag duren. Ik ben er nog lang niet uit wat ik zou wilen doen maar het lijkt me wel super cool om subsidie te krijgen voor je eigen project.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


First I made some homework untill 11.30 than I prepared for a long ride on my mountain-bike.
I stated off offcourse in rijswijk going to Voorburg - Leiden. I ate my sandwish sitting in the gras alonfg a bussy canal with many boots.
As I entered Leiden I saw signs going to Katwijk. The sun was shining so I diceded to go in the direction off the beach. I made a couple of wrong turns to finaly arrive at Katwijk aan Zee. I parked my bike and went up hte beach. The wind was pretty hard so I picked a spot where now wind was blowing. It was just wonderful. I even thing I gaind some collor on my face.
After one houre I paked my things and went one my journey home. I took the cycle path in the dune going to The Hague.
The weather was starting to change. Cloud where winning from the sun. Only 10 minutes after I arrived at home the rain started to fall. It didn't matter because I was high and dry in my hammock on my balcony. the temerature was still oke and I feld really relaxed.greatings jose

Friday, May 18, 2007

Conference in Seoul, Korea

Matthijs is departing today to Seoul. He is going to attend a conference on optimization. This time I am a bit jealouse. We fisited Soeul together in november 2004. I had such a great time in the city. Lovely people (10 mil off them), good food, and a 24 houre economie. Sinds we returned i'm looking for way's to go back to seoul. Unfortunatly i'm not able to go this time I have to go to bad maby next time.
Matthijs wil be returning next saturday so he is just gone for one week. I have lots of day's off. I have to make home work but I want to do some shopping and eat what I like most. (you have to treat yourself ;-))
Just the sleeping on your own is something I never get used to.....

greetings joséNederlands:
Matthijs gaat op conferentie naar seoul hij vertrekt vanmiddag en komt op zaterdag weer thuis. Het is jammer dat ik niet mee kan maar ik zal ook goed voor mezelf zorgen ;-)

(foto's korea 2004 josé)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My grandpa's funeral

Westgaarde, Amsterdam
Yesterday my grandpa found his last resting place.
At 10.30 we al gathered in his room at the elderly home to see him before he would be placed in a wooden coffin. There where many flowers and picitures of my grandma (how pased away 5 years ago) and the famely. For me it feld right this way.

We drove to Westgaarde cremation center in Amsterdam. There where many people to say good bye to him. We listen to music that he loved and my mother ,brother and me had prepared a speeche. Unfortunatly my tears came while speaking so my poem was difficult to hear between tears. After standing together around the coffin saying the last goodbyes we walked away in the lounge where all the other people where waiting. It was a verry nice funeral. My grandpa will be cremated adn his ashes wil be scattered over a ash field at Westgraarde. I hope he has found his peace.

The poem I wrote:
Als ik dood ben, treur dan niet
Ik ben niet echt dood, moet je weten
Het is mijn lichaam dat ik achterliet
dood ben ik pas, als je mij bent vergeten.
Herinner mij niet in sombere dagen,
herinner mij in de stralende zon,
hoe ik was, toen ik alles nog kon.

Mijn opa heeft dapper gestreden,
en zo moedig heeft hij alles aanvaard.
dit deed hij in alle omstandigheden
Dit zat gewoon in zijn aard
Vol trots wil ik dan ook aan hem zeggen,
rust zacht, we vergeten je niet.


Gisteren hebben wij afscheid genomen van mijn opa. Hij is gecremeeed op de Westerbegraafplaats in Amsterdam. Het was een mooi afscheid. Er waren veel mensen die ons en vooral mijn moeder steunde. Hierboven staat het gedicht vermeld wat ik heb voorgedragen door mijn tranen heen.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Janusz Korzack VSE has been approved

foto: bergen aan zee van Debby Goselink

In januari I attended a seminar about the child psychologist Janusz Korczak. The teacher gave us some information about the conference in september about Janusz Korczak. It has took me al lot of time and effort to get every thing ready /sorted out to be able to go to the conference.
  1. First I had to get time of from work. (this was a big problem because allready 4 people had their holliday planed) after 1,5 month I got permison from work.
  2. I needed permision from school to be away during a school week
  3. I had to register for the conference
  4. Then I applayed for a VSE (vrije studie eenheid) this is a study point that you can fill in yourself. In 3 years you need to get 6 off these points. I had to wrote a proposition to get these VSE points. Yesterday my proposition got approved (YES)
The conference will be held in Bergen aan Zee from 22-28 september. It is an international conference so I will meet lots of people from the same working feeld from other countries. After the conference I have to write a report about my experience to get the VSE study point.
I'm really excited about it.

greatings jose

Ik heb toestemming gekregen voor een VSE (vrije studie eenheid)
Ik ga naar een conferentie in september van de janusz Korczak stichting. Zij houden een internationale conferentie over januz Korczak (beroemde poolse pedagoog) Als ik er geweest ben moet ik nog een verslag schrijven om de punten toegekend te krijgen.
Ik heb er in elk geval heel veel zin in.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My grandpa has past away

After we got back on sunday from oure trip to ronse and leuven, I called my mother to see how everything was going. She told me that my grandpa was not doing verry well. His health was deteriorating fast. I disided to go to amsterdam where he is staying in a elderly home in stead of going to a meeting at work. I'm so glad that I made that disicion. I arrived at 12.30 on 7th of may. He recognised me and I told him about the weekend in leuven. He resonded and he was still drinking a bit of water. We even tried to give him a sigaret. As time progressed he got more quiet and his breathing got verry bat. Because he was on morfine he had halusinations and had a frightning look on his face. The docter gave him something to relax. Arround 15.00 or 16.00 o'clock he would not respond to oure calles anymore. He only took a breath because his brain kept on going to give a signal to breeth. So we sat there and talked while every 5 minutes we tought he was taking his last breath. What a horrible way to see someone that you love in such a condition. Every time we wished for him that he would take his last breath but he was a strong man. But he didn't win the fight. He died this morning around 00.30
We will mis him deeply but he was verry sick and in lots off pain so i'm glad he has found peace at last. We where able to say goodbye to him and hold his hand while still conscious. This makes it a bit easyer to cope thit the lost of my grandfather.
Mijn opa is vandaag overleden om 00.30. Hij was al erg ziek en ik ben samen met mijn moeder er gisteren bij geweest hoe hij steeds verder afzakte. We hebben hem nog kunnen gerust stellen en hebben zijn hand vast gehouden. Maar het was een strijd die hij niet kon winnen. Ik ben daarom ook niet heel verdietig maar blij dat hij nu rust gevonden heeft.

City trip to Ronse and Leuven (BE)

Last weekend we had rented a car and went to matthijs his sister marije and brotherinlaw mark. To see their child, thomas. What a great little guy. He is so sweet and smiles at you the hole time. We had lunch and marije and mark gave us a tour of their home. It has become really beautiful. We hadn't seen the place for over one year so a lot has changed in that time. The biggets change of all is offcourse that thomas is born. But they have a lovely place together. I wished we could fisit them more often. In the afternoon we even helped to give thomas a bath. We and he really enjoyed it.
Around 4 o'clock we went off, to go to Leuven in Belgium.
After a couple of wrong turns we parked the car in front of the hotel. The hotel was right in the city center. We left oure stuf in the room and went out to see some of the city. It was beautiful weather so everyone was sitting outside on a terras eating and drinking. We joined them two.
After dinner we walked arround and a bit and went to a pub on the big market square. Great place with good music. Arround 2 o'clock we went back to the hotel.

On sunday they served an amarikan champagne breakfast. It was really great!!! We drunk champagne, koffie, orange jus and ate to much off those lovely rolls.
We paked oure baggs and checked out at 12.00. We walked to a park and we sat down. When we got board we walked a bit further again. Leuven is really a great city. I even think it is nicer than Amsterdam. I can imagine myself living there. There are always people on the streets and it is an old historical town with lots of restaurants and cafe's.
After a while we got tired again and we had found a lovely place to have lunch. I at Fresh asperagus (yummy!) By the time we where finished 15.00 we disided to go home. The weather changed into clounds and a lower temperature. All in all we had a really lovely weekend!

greatings jose

  • We hebben een auto gehuurd afgelopen weekend en zijn naar matthijs zijn naar mark en marije gereden in Ronse (BE) om de lkeine thomas te bekijken.
    Wat een mooi mannetje. Hij lacht steeds heel lief en maakt allerlij leuke geluidjes.
  • Om 4 uur zijn we doorgereden naar leuven. Daar hadden we ee nhotel geboekt
  • Leuven is echt een hele leuke stad. Ik zou er zeker kunnen wonen. We hebben lekker gegeten en rond gelopen en genoten van het champagne ontbijt.
  • Na de lunch op zondag betrok de lucht en zijn we weer op huis aangegaan