Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Janusz Korzack VSE has been approved

foto: bergen aan zee van Debby Goselink

In januari I attended a seminar about the child psychologist Janusz Korczak. The teacher gave us some information about the conference in september about Janusz Korczak. It has took me al lot of time and effort to get every thing ready /sorted out to be able to go to the conference.
  1. First I had to get time of from work. (this was a big problem because allready 4 people had their holliday planed) after 1,5 month I got permison from work.
  2. I needed permision from school to be away during a school week
  3. I had to register for the conference
  4. Then I applayed for a VSE (vrije studie eenheid) this is a study point that you can fill in yourself. In 3 years you need to get 6 off these points. I had to wrote a proposition to get these VSE points. Yesterday my proposition got approved (YES)
The conference will be held in Bergen aan Zee from 22-28 september. It is an international conference so I will meet lots of people from the same working feeld from other countries. After the conference I have to write a report about my experience to get the VSE study point.
I'm really excited about it.

greatings jose

Ik heb toestemming gekregen voor een VSE (vrije studie eenheid)
Ik ga naar een conferentie in september van de janusz Korczak stichting. Zij houden een internationale conferentie over januz Korczak (beroemde poolse pedagoog) Als ik er geweest ben moet ik nog een verslag schrijven om de punten toegekend te krijgen.
Ik heb er in elk geval heel veel zin in.

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