Friday, May 18, 2007

Conference in Seoul, Korea

Matthijs is departing today to Seoul. He is going to attend a conference on optimization. This time I am a bit jealouse. We fisited Soeul together in november 2004. I had such a great time in the city. Lovely people (10 mil off them), good food, and a 24 houre economie. Sinds we returned i'm looking for way's to go back to seoul. Unfortunatly i'm not able to go this time I have to go to bad maby next time.
Matthijs wil be returning next saturday so he is just gone for one week. I have lots of day's off. I have to make home work but I want to do some shopping and eat what I like most. (you have to treat yourself ;-))
Just the sleeping on your own is something I never get used to.....

greetings joséNederlands:
Matthijs gaat op conferentie naar seoul hij vertrekt vanmiddag en komt op zaterdag weer thuis. Het is jammer dat ik niet mee kan maar ik zal ook goed voor mezelf zorgen ;-)

(foto's korea 2004 josé)

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