After we got back on sunday from oure trip to ronse and leuven, I called my mother to see how everything was going. She told me that my grandpa was not doing verry well. His health was deteriorating fast. I disided to go to amsterdam where he is staying in a elderly home in stead of going to a meeting at work. I'm so glad that I made that disicion. I arrived at 12.30 on 7th of may. He recognised me and I told him about the weekend in leuven. He resonded and he was still drinking a bit of water. We even tried to give him a sigaret. As time progressed he got more quiet and his breathing got verry bat. Because he was on morfine he had halusinations and had a frightning look on his face. The docter gave him something to relax. Arround 15.00 or 16.00 o'clock he would not respond to oure calles anymore. He only took a breath because his brain kept on going to give a signal to breeth. So we sat there and talked while every 5 minutes we tought he was taking his last breath. What a horrible way to see someone that you love in such a condition. Every time we wished for him that he would take his last breath but he was a strong man. But he didn't win the fight. He died this morning around 00.30
We will mis him deeply but he was verry sick and in lots off pain so i'm glad he has found peace at last. We where able to say goodbye to him and hold his hand while still conscious. This makes it a bit easyer to cope thit the lost of my grandfather.
Nederlands:Mijn opa is vandaag overleden om 00.30. Hij was al erg ziek en ik ben samen met mijn moeder er gisteren bij geweest hoe hij steeds verder afzakte. We hebben hem nog kunnen gerust stellen en hebben zijn hand vast gehouden. Maar het was een strijd die hij niet kon winnen. Ik ben daarom ook niet heel verdietig maar blij dat hij nu rust gevonden heeft.
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