After arriving the fist day I had to pack again and leave to go back to the Netherlands on the 22nd of September to attend the Korczak Conference in Bergen aan Zee. I will tell more about this later.
The conference ended on Friday morning. It was pretty hard to get up since I only slept for 3 hours. After the closing ceremony I rushed myself to Duivendrecht (NL) where a girlfriend of mine lives (kitty). Together we went to the wedding of our common friend Brenda.
The wedding was kept small but intimate and I really enjoyed it. They where so in love! The party finished at 12.00 for me. Kitty and here husband drove me back to my parents house. My mom was still up and we talked a bit until 1.30. At 7 my alarm went off again. We had a quick breakfast, talked about the conference and my parents dropped me at Amsterdam Central station 1.5 hours later. My train left at 09.30 as planed. The weather was horrible as I drove off. I felt really tired and just wanted to go home, home in Freiburg. During the train ride I slept every now and then. Everything went fine and as we drove in Freiburg hauptbahnhof (main station) I saw Matthijs standing at the platform. It was wonderful to be back. It really felt like home.
Matthijs bought a bicycle for me in the week before and we went for a ride to the city centre. Freiburg gives me a welcome feeling. Nice shops, cosy streets and nice looking people. We went home to eat. We watched TV for a while and went to bed early. I slept REALLY good! After one week with hardly any sleep.

Sunday morning we got op early 8.30. Matthijs made breakfast for me with a croissant (so sweet of him to think of!) We decided to cycle to France. This is only 30 kilometres away. We packed our bags with food and cameras and we drove off.
I can’t describe on paper how beautiful the ride was. Sun was shining (23 degrees) beautiful mountain landscape all around, with lots of farmland. They grow fruits, corn and grapes on the hill side. We stopped at a small place where they sold freshly made apple juice. We sat in one of the fields and ate our lunch. And along the road we gathered some walnuts from the tree to eat.
After 25 kilometres we arrived in Breisach. This is a small town at the bank of the Rein (river). We walked up a steep road to go on top of a hill. There was a beautiful church, and you could overlook the whole aria. On the other side of the river was France. We decided to go there for coffee and patisserie.
At 15.00 we decided to start on our way back. We took another way home. This time we drove in the middle of the vineyards. Some of the grapes where still there (they tasted very good!) We had to climb a bit to the top of the hill but is worth while. Again a beautiful few. This time we could see Freiburg. This is the place where we are going to stay for the next 5 months, can you imagine? I feel so lucky to get this change. And I will get the most out of it! 
Today, Monday the 1st of October was my fist day on my own in the house. The weather was perfect, 22 degrees and sunny. Matthijs went of to work at 9. I started behind my computer. I did some laundry, talked with Frau Gruninger (the lady how rents out the apartment) and went out shopping. I must say the shops are much better here. More difference in products and pretty cheap. Also the taste of the products is better. A tomato, really taste like tomato. Matthijs came back at 6. I made a Italian noodles and cheese cake for desert (this I bought) We sat on our terrace enjoying the forest few. Can it get any better?
Tomorrow I will write about the conference because that was so GOOD!
Greetings josé
The conference ended on Friday morning. It was pretty hard to get up since I only slept for 3 hours. After the closing ceremony I rushed myself to Duivendrecht (NL) where a girlfriend of mine lives (kitty). Together we went to the wedding of our common friend Brenda.
Matthijs bought a bicycle for me in the week before and we went for a ride to the city centre. Freiburg gives me a welcome feeling. Nice shops, cosy streets and nice looking people. We went home to eat. We watched TV for a while and went to bed early. I slept REALLY good! After one week with hardly any sleep.
I can’t describe on paper how beautiful the ride was. Sun was shining (23 degrees) beautiful mountain landscape all around, with lots of farmland. They grow fruits, corn and grapes on the hill side. We stopped at a small place where they sold freshly made apple juice. We sat in one of the fields and ate our lunch. And along the road we gathered some walnuts from the tree to eat.
After 25 kilometres we arrived in Breisach. This is a small town at the bank of the Rein (river). We walked up a steep road to go on top of a hill. There was a beautiful church, and you could overlook the whole aria. On the other side of the river was France. We decided to go there for coffee and patisserie.
Tomorrow I will write about the conference because that was so GOOD!
Greetings josé
Na een avond in freiburg te zijn geweest ben ik op zaterdag 22 weer terug gegaan naar Bergen aan Zee in nederland. De Korczak conferentie was geweldig! en ik zal daarover in een apparte entry schrijven. Nu vertel ik erest meer over de eerste dagen voor mij in Freiburg.
De conferentie eindigde op vrijdag morgen. Ik ben als een speer naar de bruiloft van vriendin Breda gegaan. Ik sliep die avond bij mijn ouders in amstelveen. Half 9 de volgende ochtend brachten ze me weg naar amsterdam centraal. Onderweg i nde trein heb ik veel geslapen waardoor ik nog best uitruste van die heftige dagen. Mattijhs stond me om 5 uur savonds op te wachten. Hij had al fietsen gekocht en toen ik thuis was en een beetje uitgepakt zijn we naar de stad gefietst. We hebben heerlijk gegeten thuis en zijn vroeg gaan slapen.
Zondag was het prachtig weer 23 graden. We besloten om naar frankrijk te fietsen. Dat is hier 30 kilometer vandaan. Ik kan niet op paier beschrijven hoe mooi de tocht werkelijk was. We reden tussen de boom- en wijngaarden, keken naar het heuvel landschap, dronken vers geperste appelsap, verzamelde walnoten die op de grond waren gevallen, keken uit over het dorp Breisgau, aten taratejs in Frankrijk en snoepte van de druiven terwijl we uitkeken op freiburg. Geweldig dus!!!
Vandaag maandag 1 oktober was mijn ereste dag alleen thuis. I khe bme bezig gehouden met internet en mijn email, gekletst met de buurvrouw en voor het eerst boodschappen gedaan. Alles lijkt on nee IS hier leuker en lekkerder. De tomaten smaken echt naar tomaat en de mensen zijn vriendelijk. Ja dat ga ik wel uithouden een half jaar...
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