Check out the fair movie:
There is a big fair in Freiburg this week. Matthijs and I decided to go there on Thursday evening. It was a pretty big fair and surprisingly there where hardly any people. We walked pass the attractions and bright coloured lights. First we decided to go in the Wheel. It was so dark up there that you could only see the fair itself. Bur still it was very nice. We walked on to the rollercoaster. It didn’t look like a good structure but we thought that this would only increase the “scariness” factor. Actually it was a pretty scary rollercoaster from itself already. It felt that you where dropped down to the floor witch off course didn’t happened. We looked around some more and bought some candy. Then we spotted a fast spinning exited looking attraction. We looked at it for a while and decided to also try this one out. That was our worst decision since we moved here!
We bought a ticked and got on the two seated egg chapped attraction. The thing was attached to a platform that would spin around really fast. Because of the weight in a the attraction it would spin up side down. The horns sounded saying that we where going to start. At first it was really cool. Matthijs even made a movie with oure camera where I was saying is this all… Than the machine started spinning faster and faster. We tumbled up site down time after time and I lost my ability to know what was up and what was down. I closed my easy. After 5 minutes the machine slowed down. This made the seat only spin around and it made me very sick to my stomach. I was so glad it was over and that we where slowing down so I get out. But no the men behind the microphone shouted “Jetz gehts loos” (it means something like: And now we go) ARGHHHHH I wanted out, not another time in this horrible machine!
This time I had to make sure I was not getting sicker than I already was. Unfortunately the man behind the buttons had found the speed button again. We tumbled over at least 6 times up site down. I only hold the bars in front of me and hoped that it would be over soon. It was no fun anymore. Matthijs and I sat quietly next to each other both knowing this was not what we had expected.
After another 5 minutes the machine finally stopped. By this time I was feeling so sick that I was not able to get out of my seat. I had the feeling I would throw up if I did. Matthijs warned me to get out before I would be in another round. This made me get out but I had to rush to the side to throw up. How embarrassing.
After a few minutes I found Matthijs again and we went home. The hole way home I was still feeling sick. Also Matthijs was feeling sick, and he can handle a lot! At home I sat on the balcony for 2 minutes before I had to rush inside to throw up again. I was feeling very miserable. I took a shower brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. No more fair for me. Luckily I woke up feeling okay. A cup of to and some crackers made me feel human again. This was by far the most “exiting” ride of my live. No more please
This time I had to make sure I was not getting sicker than I already was. Unfortunately the man behind the buttons had found the speed button again. We tumbled over at least 6 times up site down. I only hold the bars in front of me and hoped that it would be over soon. It was no fun anymore. Matthijs and I sat quietly next to each other both knowing this was not what we had expected.
After another 5 minutes the machine finally stopped. By this time I was feeling so sick that I was not able to get out of my seat. I had the feeling I would throw up if I did. Matthijs warned me to get out before I would be in another round. This made me get out but I had to rush to the side to throw up. How embarrassing.
After a few minutes I found Matthijs again and we went home. The hole way home I was still feeling sick. Also Matthijs was feeling sick, and he can handle a lot! At home I sat on the balcony for 2 minutes before I had to rush inside to throw up again. I was feeling very miserable. I took a shower brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. No more fair for me. Luckily I woke up feeling okay. A cup of to and some crackers made me feel human again. This was by far the most “exiting” ride of my live. No more please

Check out the movie really funny:
greetings jose
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