As I wrote before we moved to a different apartment in Freiburg on Saturday. The night before we made sure that we where fully packed. We also could leave some stuff at the Jos-Fritz-Strasse. My parents came by care to the old apartment. We lend them our bikes and after a cup of coffee they went off to discover Freiburg by bike. Matthijs and I tried to put all the bags in to the Twingo car (small car). It fitted perfectly and we drove off towards our new apartment.
We met the guy how rents out the apartment in front of the building. It is a brand new apartment. The decoration is very modern. Our first impression was very nice, but modern means also minimalistic, so little cooking space and hardly any closets. As the guy went on he told us that internet was not available. I was not so happy anymore, no internet for TWO weeks (arghhh!)
We let it sink for a wile and started unpacking our stuff. As we put everything in place it became more and more our apartment (thanks to my colourful taste:-)). Especially the bathroom is really beautiful, very large and with a good shower. There are windows over the complete length of on side of the apartment with two glass doors to get to the balcony and there you can look at the forest. So in the end it is not bad at all. And maybe it is better that I don’t have internet for a while because I have to do a lot of work for my project and the conference (to get study points) and I don’t need internet for that.
We also did something really nice on Sunday. My parents picked us up at our new apartment and we drove off to the longest waterfall in Germany. Already the road to the waterfall was beautiful, the sunny weather, the mountain landscape and of course a lovely restaurant to eat delicious cake. The waterfall it self was beautiful. Matthijs and I made lots of pictures. At 3 we had seen everything and we drove to the Titisee (a lake). We walked on the promenade that looked like Scheveningen and rented a cycle boot so we could go in the water. After making many more photos, we looked for a restaurant. We had a good German meal. Matthijs is not really happy about the rich sauces that they accompany the dishes with. Most off the time it is all over his plate, than he doesn’t like it anymore. It is a wonder that German people are not really fat (it must be the outdoor air?)
We drove back in the dark along small, steep, curvy roads. Matthijs and my father enjoyed them selves very much. My mom and I talked in the back. It was a very nice day.
Today (Monday) I went to the “stadsanwalt” to get myself registered in Freiburg. There where 106 people in front of me. I had to wait for over one hour before it was my turn. After a brief interview, I’m now officially a residence Freiburg. In the city centre I could pick up a welcome gift so I went to the city centre. There I also shopped for a while. I got a present for my brother how’s birthday is on the 15th off October. Tomorrow I will probably go to school for the first time. So far the important approval is still missing so wish me luck….
Zoals ik al eerder had aangegeven zijn we zaterdag verhuisd naar een ander appartement in Freiburg. Mijn ouders zijn met onze fietsen s’ochtends de stad gaan verkennen en matthijs en ik zijn de twingo gaan volstauwen. We hadden met de verhuurder afgesproken voor het apartement. Het apartement ziet er super modern uit. Het staat dan ook pas sinds afgelopen zomer. Het ruikt nog nieuw. Dat moderne betekend alleen wel dat het wel erg minimalistisch is ingericht. Weinig kast ruimte en bijna geen kook facaliteiten. Toen hij ook nog vertelde dat hij het internet niet heeft kunnen regelen was ik even niet zo blij meer. ARGHHH twee weken geen internet.
Maar ja mischien ook wel goed voor mij want dan ga ik teminste en keer aan de slag met mijn project. Nadat we al onze spullen hadden uitgepakt werd het al en stuk gezelliger (dankzij mijn kleurgebruik ;-))
Zondag zijn we met z’n vieren naar de langste waterval van duitsland geweest. De rit er naartoe was al prachtig, perfect weer, bergen en natuurlijk lekkere taartjes onderweg. Om 3 uur hadden we de waterval wel gezien en zijn we naar de Titisee gereden (een meer) We hebben daar een waterfiets gehuurd en zin even op het meer geweest. Daarna nog wat rond gelopen en lekker gegeten. Helaas voor matthijs is bijna elk gerecht onder een dikke vette laag jus bedolven. Het is een wonder dat neit iedereen hier modder vet is, zeker de buitenlucht???
Vandaag maandag ben ik naar het gemeentehuis geweest om me officeel in te schrijven als Freiburger. Hopelijk gaat het morgen lukken om voor het eerst naar school te gaan tot nu toe mist de bestätigung weer... ik zie het morgen wel weer