Matthijs and I started the day with a walk to the park near oure home. It was such a lovely morning. Then we went to the Albert-hein to gather some banana-boxes. These are your best friend when your are moving. You have to find out on witch day the supermarket gets a delivery off bananas but than you are well equip with perfect moving boxes.
Today we packed only the stuff we want to bring with us such as books, electric equipment or make-up, so no clothes. It took us just two hours to get everything and put in the bedroom. Tomorrow we are getting all the clothes and start to fit everything in our bags.
We also hooked my laptop on the internet for the first time. We anticipated some problems but there where none. Pfeeew. We now completed the program transfer from the old computer on to the laptop. Now I only hope that the internet connection in Freiburg will work.
Greetings jose
Today we packed only the stuff we want to bring with us such as books, electric equipment or make-up, so no clothes. It took us just two hours to get everything and put in the bedroom. Tomorrow we are getting all the clothes and start to fit everything in our bags.
Greetings jose
Matthijs en ik hebben vandaag eerst een ommetje gemaakt in het park vlak bij. Toen hebben we nog wat dozen opgehaald bij de appie happie. Bananen dozen zijn werkelijk "the best" om mee te verhuizen/op te slaan.
We zijn vandaag begonnen met allen de spullen te pakken. De kleren gaan we morgen doen. Dan gaan we ook alles in de tassen passen.
Verder hebben we de laptop vandaag voor het eerst aan het internet gekregen. Ook hebben we nu alle data over gezet. Nu nog hopen dat we een goede internet verbinding hebben in Freiburg.
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