I was not feeling very well in the morning. When I’m don’t want to get started but sit in front of the t.v. and watch national geographic I know that I’m not oké. I probably got a cold ore something like that. I stayed on the sofa until lunch time. After lunch ai started to feel better and I got myself behind the computer. I tested SKYPE. This is a perfect way to call for free to someone. This comes in handy when we are abroad. I have a web cam so I can even video-phone people. It is a great program and I can recommend it to everyone even when you are not abroad.
In the afternoon I worked on a presentation about my project. It is a power point presentation in English. It was pretty hard because I didn’t have anything in English about my project. I made 6 sides in total. Now hope that there is some room to do the actual presentation at the conference next week.
I’m off In a few minutes because Matthijs and I are invited by a colleague of Matthijs, to have dinner. He is from Malaysia and he is going to cook by him self (now doubt that is going to be delicious.)
Greetings José
In the afternoon I worked on a presentation about my project. It is a power point presentation in English. It was pretty hard because I didn’t have anything in English about my project. I made 6 sides in total. Now hope that there is some room to do the actual presentation at the conference next week.
I’m off In a few minutes because Matthijs and I are invited by a colleague of Matthijs, to have dinner. He is from Malaysia and he is going to cook by him self (now doubt that is going to be delicious.)
Greetings José
Vandaga voelde ik me in de morgen niet zo heel erg lekker. Beetje verkouden. Ik ben op de bank blijven hangen tot de lunch. daarna ben ik achter de computer gekropen en heb o.a. SKYPE uitgeprobeerd dat is echt super!. Hiermee kan ik gratis bellen naar andere die skype hebben. Iedereen aanmelden dus!.
Ik heb ook aan een presentatie van mijn project gewerkt. Ik hoop dat ik de powerpoint presetatie over mijn project op de korczak conferentie kan houden. Het moest in het engels dat was nogal lastig aangezien ik nog niets heb in het engels maar het ging goed!
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