As the titel of this post allready said matthijs has arrived in hawaii. It was a long trip and his biorythem is completely mixed up but he e-mailed me that he is doing fine. When he departed from holland he was wearing his hawaiian shirt. The piciture below was taken 05.00 in the morning.
He has visited many places allready with several conferences, but somehow it is different for me that he is visiting a conference in hawaii. It is a place that trigers your imagination. I always dreamed off going to hawaii once, but it is just to far to really go. Now it is real for matthijs. And I can get a glimps of it two through matthijs his eyes.
He promised to make lot's off picitures.
Meanwhile I enoy myself with cleaning the appartment. (instead off making homework ;-))
I feel really relaxed. I have litle homework and lots off fun. Do you know that feeling when you have cleand your house you feel really good about yourself. almost if you clean out your brain at the sametime.
Marjan visited me today. We had dinner on the balcony with a glas of rose wine enjoying the sunset. We talked untill 23.30 It was like the old day's when we went to school together.
- Matthijs is veilig geland op hawaii
- Zijn bio ritme is goed in de war maar hij maakt het prima
- Ik heb het huis schoon gemaakt
- En met marjan op het balkon gegeten met een roseetje kletsend en kijkend naar de ondergaande zon. Helemaal geen slechte dag vandaag
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