It sounds easy but in reality it is hard work. I'm so bussy at work and at school that I find it hard to find time to think about my feelings. I'm now in the second week of making the dairy. I see now that when your working at top speed you tend to forget your emotions. It makes me realize that I have to make time to relax. This way I feel "alive" and with both feet on the ground.
For me I find it the hardest to recognize feelings of anger. I hate beeing angry and will always tray to avoid it, or tray to avoid situations where I would get angry. Ofcourse everyone is angry sometimes it makes me deal with the situation and reflect on it. Verry intresting t learn about yourself!

Matthijs left for Leeds today. He wil stay there 3 day's in total. He is working verry hard at this moment. After he returns he is going to have to work really hard to finish two conference papers. He is really stressing at the moment. He has a conference in korea and one in hawai. When he's finished al his work he is going to take some time off.
On sunday we cycled for 4 houres. After taking a shower we went for some thai food. We talked al night and had a bit to much to drink :-) We had so much fun. We agreed that we should do this more often!
I'm going back to my schoolwork in two weeks time I have a exam week....
Greatings josé
Hoogtepunten in het Nederlands:
- Ik heb lessen in emotionele intilegentie op school. Ik houd de komende 3 weken een dagboek bij. Het blijkt nu al na een week dat ik niet veel tijd neem om naar mezelf te luisteren. Ik ben dus erg blij met deze lessen je leert er veel van. Ook merk ik dat ik niet goed boos kan worden of niet voel waneer ik dit ben.
- Matthijs is naar Leeds vertrokken voor in totaal 3 dagen. Hij werkt op dit moment niet gezond hard.
- We zijn zondag lekker gaan fietsen en na een douch zijn we lekker thais gaan eten. We hebben de hele nacht geklets en hadden iets te veel gedronken :-)
- Over twee weken heb ik examens
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