Wednesday, April 25, 2007

piciture of matthijs in Hawaii

I didn't wat to let you miss this piciture off matthijs in hawaii.
He told me the jetlag is horrible and it is pretty hard to find a restaurant for dinner that is not in a 5* hotel. He and some others rented a car to see a bit of the island. It must be beautiful there matthjis told about high waves and lots of plam trees.

In rijswijk everything is going great. I just finished my big research project from school just in time because I have to hand it in tomorow.

On thursday (tomorow) the fourth and final semester will start. We have 4 classes tot to.
  • Recht
  • Praktijk werkgroep
  • Methode
  • Drama
So it is oke. I'm not saying easy because you never know what the homework will bring....
I know for sure that we have to finalize a reseache on the jeugdzorg and make a drama production out of it. You will here more about it later.
If I get good grates after this periode is finished I will get my propedeuse.
So work with me baby...

greatings jose

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Matthijs arrived at hawaii safely

As the titel of this post allready said matthijs has arrived in hawaii. It was a long trip and his biorythem is completely mixed up but he e-mailed me that he is doing fine. When he departed from holland he was wearing his hawaiian shirt. The piciture below was taken 05.00 in the morning.

He has visited many places allready with several conferences, but somehow it is different for me that he is visiting a conference in hawaii. It is a place that trigers your imagination. I always dreamed off going to hawaii once, but it is just to far to really go. Now it is real for matthijs. And I can get a glimps of it two through matthijs his eyes.
He promised to make lot's off picitures.

Meanwhile I enoy myself with cleaning the appartment. (instead off making homework ;-))
I feel really relaxed. I have litle homework and lots off fun. Do you know that feeling when you have cleand your house you feel really good about yourself. almost if you clean out your brain at the sametime.

Marjan visited me today. We had dinner on the balcony with a glas of rose wine enjoying the sunset. We talked untill 23.30 It was like the old day's when we went to school together.
All in all I had a wonderful day.

photo: Jack Hay at

  • Matthijs is veilig geland op hawaii
  • Zijn bio ritme is goed in de war maar hij maakt het prima
  • Ik heb het huis schoon gemaakt
  • En met marjan op het balkon gegeten met een roseetje kletsend en kijkend naar de ondergaande zon. Helemaal geen slechte dag vandaag

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Matthijs is going to Hawaii on a confrence. He will be departing on friday verry early in the morning. They say it is for work but I know better ;-))
I'm not jealouse. He has to take two flights in total 28 houres travel time, (oke maby I'm a bit jealouse)
He has bought a lonely planet and a new suitecase. He has all kind of plans to do some sight siing on the island maby some surfing or snorkeling. He will be returning on the frist of may. Here are some picitures of hawaii and the hotel where he's staying.

hotel pool

at night

few from the hotel

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


It is time again.....
Comming thursday I have my exame. The subjects are pedagogiek en ontwikkelingspsychologie. I'f been studying verry hard the past two weeks. But it is always a stressful time. And I also have to work so I really have to make a planning for everything. But so far so good. And wish me luck.

After my exam I go home quickly because matthijs and I have a appointment together to do fun stuff. We are not sure what we will be doing but eating out is involved for sure.
We have made this appointment because matthijs has been verry bussy lately and he will be going to hawai on friday to a confrence (it is for work so they say;).
It is time for some quality time together. I'm looking forward to it!

Greatings josé

I forgot to tell you that I have a new hairstyle. Check out the piciture:

Het is weer eens zo ver.....
Ik heb donderdag tentame van de vakken pedagogiek en ontwikkelingspsychologie. Het uittreksel beslaat deze keer 45 blz. Inmiddels heb ik al twee verkorte uittreksel gemaakt omdat het zo veel is. Ik vind he twel heel erg leuk om te leren. Het zijn erg interesante onderwerpen die ook zeker van toepassing zijn op mijn werk.

Na mijn examen ga ik snel naar huis. Mattihjs en ik gaan dan wat leuks doen. We weten nog niet wat maar uit eten zal er in elk geval bij zitten. We doen dit omdat mattihjs het erg druk heeft gehad en vrijdag al weer vertrekt naar hawai op conferentie.

Ik vergat nog te vertellen da tik mijn haar heb gekleurd zie foto

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Emotional intelligence

We have lessons at school in Emotional intelligence (EQ). The homework is to keep a dairy of the next three weeks about your emotions. This is to get to know your onwn emotions so you can recognize them in other people.
It sounds easy but in reality it is hard work. I'm so bussy at work and at school that I find it hard to find time to think about my feelings. I'm now in the second week of making the dairy. I see now that when your working at top speed you tend to forget your emotions. It makes me realize that I have to make time to relax. This way I feel "alive" and with both feet on the ground.
For me I find it the hardest to recognize feelings of anger. I hate beeing angry and will always tray to avoid it, or tray to avoid situations where I would get angry. Ofcourse everyone is angry sometimes it makes me deal with the situation and reflect on it. Verry intresting t learn about yourself!Than other news:
Matthijs left for Leeds today. He wil stay there 3 day's in total. He is working verry hard at this moment. After he returns he is going to have to work really hard to finish two conference papers. He is really stressing at the moment. He has a conference in korea and one in hawai. When he's finished al his work he is going to take some time off.

On sunday we cycled for 4 houres. After taking a shower we went for some thai food. We talked al night and had a bit to much to drink :-) We had so much fun. We agreed that we should do this more often!

I'm going back to my schoolwork in two weeks time I have a exam week....

Greatings josé

Hoogtepunten in het Nederlands:

  • Ik heb lessen in emotionele intilegentie op school. Ik houd de komende 3 weken een dagboek bij. Het blijkt nu al na een week dat ik niet veel tijd neem om naar mezelf te luisteren. Ik ben dus erg blij met deze lessen je leert er veel van. Ook merk ik dat ik niet goed boos kan worden of niet voel waneer ik dit ben.
  • Matthijs is naar Leeds vertrokken voor in totaal 3 dagen. Hij werkt op dit moment niet gezond hard.
  • We zijn zondag lekker gaan fietsen en na een douch zijn we lekker thais gaan eten. We hebben de hele nacht geklets en hadden iets te veel gedronken :-)
  • Over twee weken heb ik examens