We slept very well, and had a perfect German breakfast, sitting in on wooden chairs with a hart in the middle. At 9.30 we went on the road again. Driving through vast landscape with golden yellow grain fields and hills as far as the eye could reach. This part of Germany just to be the former eastern Germany, you can tell by the lack of homes, and if you find one it looks kind of shabby. Also the cars seem to look more crappy than in the south. At one o’clock we drove bye the Czech boarder. We had to stop to buy a car vignette. It took us a while the figure out how to attached the vignette because the English was incorrect and the Czech language is unknown to us, others had the same problem but we figured out and went on,…
Then after 10 minutes we got directed of the highway, it was closed!!! What! Now we had to find our way again on the poor roadmaps that we brought with us. Actually this was fun! We passed small villages beautiful mountains al on one way roads with a maximum of 60 km ph. We stopped at a large supermarket to get our first czeck kroon’s (money) and something to drink and eat for the evening. It took us by surprise that there was hardly any vegetable an fruits. There was a lot of meat but since we don’t want to eat to much meat we had to find something ells.
As we got closer to our final destination the sky was filled with beautiful looking clouds that predicted a thunder storm in the distance. We also passed the ‘Trosky’ caslte, a landmark for the Czech Ray (pearl of Czech as the area is called) The “tom tom” took us right to old town centres and beautiful hills. Than we had to take the last turn off the “highway” We drove on a small road passing old houses, woodland and going up a hill. Wow this was the place where we where going to stay at least two weeks!

The first house in the small village ‘Ceska Prosec’ was our holiday home. It was a old Czech home with wooden beams and with painted walls. The owners where waiting for us. The only problem was that the didn’t speak a word English or German just Czech. With hand and foot they explained how everything worked, and left again.
We unpacked the car and looked around the house. A beautiful rural surrounding without any noise just the wind blowing and births singing. The inside off the house was like it got stuck in time in the twenties. A traditional wood oven and heating, many artefacts and old photo’s on the wall as well as hunting trophies. The bed was from the same period, not the best, but hey it fitted in with the style of the property. Outside we could sit in the garden and enjoy the sun an beautiful view’s this was going to be a good relaxing holiday!

Then after 10 minutes we got directed of the highway, it was closed!!! What! Now we had to find our way again on the poor roadmaps that we brought with us. Actually this was fun! We passed small villages beautiful mountains al on one way roads with a maximum of 60 km ph. We stopped at a large supermarket to get our first czeck kroon’s (money) and something to drink and eat for the evening. It took us by surprise that there was hardly any vegetable an fruits. There was a lot of meat but since we don’t want to eat to much meat we had to find something ells.
The first house in the small village ‘Ceska Prosec’ was our holiday home. It was a old Czech home with wooden beams and with painted walls. The owners where waiting for us. The only problem was that the didn’t speak a word English or German just Czech. With hand and foot they explained how everything worked, and left again.
We unpacked the car and looked around the house. A beautiful rural surrounding without any noise just the wind blowing and births singing. The inside off the house was like it got stuck in time in the twenties. A traditional wood oven and heating, many artefacts and old photo’s on the wall as well as hunting trophies. The bed was from the same period, not the best, but hey it fitted in with the style of the property. Outside we could sit in the garden and enjoy the sun an beautiful view’s this was going to be a good relaxing holiday!
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