Maar goed maandag lag ik in de stoel. Ik grapte nog dat 4 best stoer was om in een keer te laten boren. Zegt de tandarts verrast 4? het zijn 6 vullingen hoor die je krijgt! Die smile op mijn gezicht was meteen verdwenen.

Hij vulde de kiezen weer netjes een voor een, en precies na een uur stond ik plakkerig van het (angst) zweet op. Het was wel erg gevoelig en nog trouwens. Elke hap die ik neem aan de linkerkant doet een electriciteitsstoot lanks mijn ruggenwervel gaan. En dat te bedenken dat ik voordat ik er heen ging nergens last van had. Oke oke nog niet...
Ik ben voorloopig weer klaar en hoef pas over een half jaar weer terug te komen. Gelukkig maar
groeten jose
Englisch translation:
I have worked really hard last weeks and in between I had one day off. This was on Monday. On that day I had an appointment with the dentist. There where 4 teeth that needed to be filed. As is at down and told the dentist that it was pretty cool to have 4 teeth filled he looked surprised at me and said 4? You need 6! The smile on my face deciphered immediately. He had one hour to get the job done so he started right away.
I hurt pretty much. He was constantly busy teasing my nerves. I was completely cramped up and my fingers where with because I squeezed them so hard. But he continued and after exactly one hour he finished the job. It is still very sensitive. Each bite on the left side shoots a electric shock down my spine. And to think that I had no pain or what so ever before the procedure (until now). Well I survived and I am off the hook for the next half year….
Englisch translation:
I have worked really hard last weeks and in between I had one day off. This was on Monday. On that day I had an appointment with the dentist. There where 4 teeth that needed to be filed. As is at down and told the dentist that it was pretty cool to have 4 teeth filled he looked surprised at me and said 4? You need 6! The smile on my face deciphered immediately. He had one hour to get the job done so he started right away.
I hurt pretty much. He was constantly busy teasing my nerves. I was completely cramped up and my fingers where with because I squeezed them so hard. But he continued and after exactly one hour he finished the job. It is still very sensitive. Each bite on the left side shoots a electric shock down my spine. And to think that I had no pain or what so ever before the procedure (until now). Well I survived and I am off the hook for the next half year….
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