It is holliday also for the children at work. (I work with handicapted children) They are getting board after a few day's at home and because off the rain we can't go outside. So I oganized a game day. I called it Fear factor (i organized something simulair at the belgie kamp 2006).
We divided the group into two. The Two teams had to battle eachother. We started with a mind game schrabel. Than we had the lunch break. After that we continued with a kind of potato run. I'm made this game up myself so I'll will explain it a bit more.

First you make a course as wide as a wheelchair with one or two curves in it. One person in a wheelchair gets a spoon attached to his chair. You place an egg on the spoon. Now he/she gets a blindfold on. A team-mate is selected to guide the person with the egg trough the course.
The other team members and the oposit team can direct or redirect the person wih the egg. The person with the egg has to concentrate on one voice because everyone starts shouting and pointing in a diferent direction. The team has to work together and everyone is getting involved.
It was a great succes and we had lots off fun!!!!

(foto's from the fear factor sportsday at the belgiekamp 2006)
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