Monday, July 30, 2007
Buying a notebook for the first time
At first I thought about the way I'm going to use it. I'm going to play: music, photo, movie, television, life chatting and use it for school and my projects. I wanted a wireless connection, duel-core procesor, 2 gb internal memory and a intergrated webcam. The final choise after half a day searching came down to two notebooks; the Acer 5920 and the HP6570. At first I liked the acer more because it had a dolby surround system, but when I went to the media markt and had a look at the acer laptop I was not so impressed. I didn't like the looks (gray collor) and the dolby surround sounded awful. The keyboard started vibrating when you turned on the music. So after that the chooise became easy. This is the notebook that I am going to buy:
It has got everything I like for a reasonable price. I will probably buy it on tuesday in the store. First I have to go to work today. Unfortunatly because I allready dreamed about heving the notebook at home :-))
greatings jose
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Start planning only 8 weeks left
- Getting a appartment in Freiburg ( we found out yesterday we have to do it ourself aghhh)
- How we arre going to move to Freiburg
- What stuff to bring with us.
- Working on my project to finish it in time before I leave.
- Buy a laptop so we can internet everywhere (and update this blog)
- Learn to speak better German than we do now.
- Making more plans for what I will do in Freiburg, so I won't get board. One year off is no fun if you don't have anything to do.
- Get Visas for USA
- Get tickets/ reservations to travel to freiburg and Colorado
It is now kicking in for me that we have only 8 weeks before we go to Freiburg.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Games at work
We divided the group into two. The Two teams had to battle eachother. We started with a mind game schrabel. Than we had the lunch break. After that we continued with a kind of potato run. I'm made this game up myself so I'll will explain it a bit more.
First you make a course as wide as a wheelchair with one or two curves in it. One person in a wheelchair gets a spoon attached to his chair. You place an egg on the spoon. Now he/she gets a blindfold on. A team-mate is selected to guide the person with the egg trough the course.
The other team members and the oposit team can direct or redirect the person wih the egg. The person with the egg has to concentrate on one voice because everyone starts shouting and pointing in a diferent direction. The team has to work together and everyone is getting involved.
It was a great succes and we had lots off fun!!!!(foto's from the fear factor sportsday at the belgiekamp 2006)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Discovered something cool....last FM
I'm also searching for intresting sites with information about Colorado and Freiburg. On Hyves there are some intresting groups that share information. This way I can get first hand information.Today the summer holliday started in this region. For me that meens I'm having holliday from school. Unfortunately I still have to work. I used to have holliday in this week but I had to cancel it because of our moving plans in september. Because the kids from work also are selebrating the start of their holliday, it will be fn working tonight!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Planning to move abroad / verhuisplannen voor het buitenland
Matthijs has got an offer from work that he will be put on a tenure track. A tenure track is a contract where conditions are listed. If matthijs realizes this condtions he wil be assistant profesor and he will get a contract at the technische Universiteit delft for unlimitied time. So a verry good careere oppertunaty.
One of the conditions was that he has to go abroad for one year. About 2 moths ago it became clear that this one year abroad will start in coming september.
Offcourse this came verry unexpected, especially now I just started school. I thought about it for some time but disided to go along with matthijs. The alternatieve to stay home and continue school was not really attractive because we would not see eachother for over one year.
I contacted my school and work. I got a year off from work with the garanty that I can come back at Steinmetz after one year. I was verry lucky because a colleague of mine wanted to go to school coming year. Now she can because of my absence of one year. It was pure luck! After one year I can come back and continue school and work as if nothing happened.
At this moment we are planning to move to to Freiburg im Breisgau (
At the end of february we will move back to the
I want to collect information from two companies in
The project can be as bigg as I want it to be, there are many countries nearby
In the coming months we have to organize: housing, moving, packing, renting out oure home in rijswijk, visa’s for Amerika, planetickets and mush more. Although it is a lot to organize we are so happy that we can get this change. We grab it with both hands and enjoy!
Greatings José
Zoals het er nu uitziet vertrekken we op 21 september naar Freiburg im Breisgau (duitsland) we blijven daar 5 maanden tot eind februari. We komen voor een paar dagen terug in NL om vervolgens naar Boulder, Colorado (US) te verhuizen. Daar blijf ik tot einde augustus en matthijs komt in september terug. Ik moet namelijk weer naar school in september.
Van mijn werk heb ik terug keer garatie gekregen en kan weer op de zelfde locatie terugkomen en instormen in de tweede klas SPH.
Ik heb nu dus een jaar vrij. Ik zou me snel gaan vervelen als ik niets zou doen dus heb ik een project voor mijzelf geschreven. Ik ga inforamtie verzamelen over hoe gehandicapte zorg in het buitenalnd is geregeld. Ik wil in duitsland twee bedrijven bezoeken en in amerika. De inforamtie die ik verzamel zal ik in een database plaatsen. Ik hoop dat ik deze dan weer kan gaan gebruiken voor mijn scriptie.
Nu zijn we dus al druk bezig met alle voorbereidingen zoals: reis regelen, data plannen verhuizen, huis verhuren, visa’s, tickets en nog veel meer. We hebben er beide heel erg veel zin in en zien het echt alls een geweldige mogelijkheid, die we met beide handen aanpakken!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
No phone or internet for one week
De buren hebben de KPN kabel beschadigd in onze flat. Op dit moment heb ik dan ok gee ninternet of telefoon verbinding. Ik hoop da teht snel wordt verholpen ik lat weten wanneer dat is.
(This message is send from work/ dit bericht is verstuurd vannf mijn werk)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I'f got a 9
Monday, July 02, 2007
My last exam of this year
I also had an final meeting with my schoolguide. He was verry pleased about how everything went this first year. Me two so we where finished verry quickly. hopefully I get my final grade this week two.
The 5th of july is my last day at school. We only have to preform at a schoolplay about the youthcare in the Netherlands. The play is part of a big project that lasted half a year. We had to work in a group and write all sorts of reports about "bureau jeugdzorg" (youthcare in holland) especially about the employees working at bureau jeugdzorg. I was really intresting to learn about this profession. But I wouldn't want to work there, thats an important lesson I learned.
It feels really strange that I'm in my last week of school. And it is not just the vacation offcourse it is also the fact that i'm going to take a school/work break of one year to go to Freiburg and Colorado with matthijs. In september 2008 I will start working and studying again. More about these plans and the consequences in my next entry......
greatings josé
Nederlands: Ik heb donderdag 28 juni mijn laaste tentame gedaan voor dit jaar. Het was het tentame recht. We mochten onze boeken en aantekeningen er bij houden. Het bleek dan ook een makkelijk exame. De zelfde dag kreeg ik ook het cijver voor mijn afsluitend reflectieverslag. Een 8! Dit was een heel belangrijk cijver. Ik had ook het eind gesprek met mijn school begeleider. Hij was erg tevreden over mij en vond het erg goed gegaan het eerste jaar, ik vindt dat ook dus we waren snel uitgepraat. Volgende week krijg ik hopelijk het eindcijver voor mijn praktijk.
5 juli is mijn laaste schooldag. We moeten dan alleen nog maar een toneelstuk opvoeren over een mederwerker van bureau jeugdzorg. We hebben met een groepje een half jaar aan dit project gewerkt. Ik heb veel geleerd maar vooral dat ik niet bij bureau jeugdzorg zou willen werken. Veel te hectisch en dramatisch.
Het voelt nu raar. Als ik straks het stuk heb opgevoerd hoef ik een tijd niet naar school. Niet omdat ik alleen vakantie heb maar omdat ik pas in september 2008 weer naar school ga en ga werken. Ik heb een onderbreking van een jaar omadt ik mee ga met matthijs eerst naar Freiburg (DE) daarna naar Colorado (US). In mijn volgede post zal ik hier meer over vertellen...