Yesterday evening I returned from the vacation camp from my work De Schakel. I had an awesome week. It started on friday the 10th last week. When I arrived at work me and some other collegue had to pick up the busses. I drove on off them. It feld verry cool to drive a large bus. Fist we pack almost everything from the Schakel in busses. And then we waved the famalys of the kids goodbye and we drove off to Zeewolde (nl).
We had a bungelow with the older kids from the Schakel, robert, johan and franklin. There where two other collegue's ellie and roel. We where close with the bungelow next to us. We did al sorts of stuff together like: dinning, going out and drinking untill late in the night. We had a great team and we really worked together. Not once did we had problemes. This is the list of what we did:
Friday: departure day, packing and unpacking, eating and we went to a bar/dancing in Almere (untill 2.30 am, in bed at 04.30)
Saturday: slept untill late, relaxed, went out to a club in Almere (untill 3.00 am, in bed at 05.30)
Sunday: relaxed and went out for dinner in a resaurant
Monday: one group visited a exotic garden and one group went swimming in the evening there was a BBQ for everyone from te Schakel. We had drinks at night
Tuesday: shopping in batavia city (outlet stores)
Wensday: a hole day in amsterdam (including a ride in the tube, the waterloopplein markt, chineese neighborhood and the red light district)
Thursday: packing and departure home at 05.30 pm
I had no more than 4 houres sleep per night. And because of the handicap of the children we had to help them with the daily routine. (getting in and out of bed, shower, get ready to leave) Because the kids had a really great time it was no problem for me to wakeup every morning at 8 am (had to give medication) and not be grumpy. At the time of the camp I didi't feel it to much of my tieredness. You get a lot off energie if you see someone enjoying him or her self. And when we drove back home the kids told me that this was their best holliday ever. To me that feld like the best reward for a week hard work! As I came home I relaxed a bit in front of the tv and went to bed early and I slept really well!!!!
In my next entry I will tell more about oure hotel visit off comming saterday and there is more news about housing in Freiburg.
Greatings josé
Nederlands:Gisteren ben ik terug gekomen van het schakel kamp. We hebben heel erg veel lol gehad en leuke dingen gedaan. We vertrokken op vrijdag 10 augustus. Ik reed een van de bussen met kinderen tijdens het kamp. Dat was in het begin erg wennen maar wel heel erg leuk. We hebben de volgende dingen gedaan:
vrijdag: inpakken en uitpakken, s'avonds naar bar dancing gegaan in Almere
zaterdag: laat uitslapen en s'avonds stappen in almere in een discotheek
zondag: relaxen en s'avonsds zijn we uit eten gegaan.
maandag: de ene helf is gaan zwemmen en da andere helft is naar een tropische tuin geweest.
dinsdag: dagje shoppen in batavia stad
woensdag: dagje amsterdam met rokin, waterloopplein chineese buurt, en de wallen.
donderdag: inpakken vertrek naar huis.
Ik heb niet meer dan 4 uur geslapen per nacht. Tijdens het kamp voelde ik me totaal niet moe omdat je heel erg veel energie krijgt van het zien genieten van de kinderen. Het was dan ook geen probleem om om 8 uur s'ochtends op te staan om medicatie te geven. Een paar kids vertelde me dat dit hun beste kamp ooit was. Toen ik om 5 uur thuiskwam gisteren voelde ik wel. Ik ben vroeg naar bed gegaan en heb heerlijk geslapen.