I have bought my first mp3 player today. I havn't got it at home yet but i'm verry happy that it will arive soon. I compared the availible mp3 players on the internet. I wanted a 4 GB mp3 player with a colour screen so I can put music and also my photo's on there. And it should have a "big" screen and an easy menu to scrole in.
I finaly made a choice between the SanDisk e260 en the Creative Zen v plus. SanDisk wants to compeet with Creative mp3 players. The two 4Gb mp3 players have simular features but there was a big differents when I held them in my hand. (the mediamark has both mp3 players)
The mp3 player from Creative is a bit to smale to my tast. It flips right out off your hands and I didn't like the controle dott, it is dificult to use in one hand. And the second BIG differents is that the SanDisk has a battery that lasts for aproxemently 20 houres. The creative lasts only 15 houres. The only (smale) negative thing about the Sandisk is that is hasn't got a radio function.
I had to make a choise and I went for the SanDisk.
It will arrive just in time for oure wintersport trip.
greatings José

Hoogtepunten in Nederlands:
Zoals jullie zien is het vanaf vandaag om anders. Eerst kwam altijd het nederlandse verhaal. Omdat ik mijn blog zo internationaal wil houden en om engels te oevenen stap ik over in het engels. De hoogtepunten zullen voortaan in het nederlands vermeld staan. Zo hoe je toch niets te missen
Ik heb ee nmp3 speler gekocht de SanDisk e260 (4GB). Ik heb hem nog niet in huis dat komt binnenkort. Zo kan in tijdens de wintersport reis lekkergenieten van mijn muziek en foto's
Nog bedankt mensen die mij geld hebben gegeven voor mijn verjaardag....